Summer Outfits From Old Navy

Ladies, I realize it’s been FOREVER since I’ve put together a blog post other than Amazon outfits. Since I’ve started doing Amazon Lives, I’ve been trying to find my groove and figure out how to effectively manage my time to do all of the things that I still did before! Well I’ve really had to play around with what works and have decided to only do Amazon Lives biweekly, instead of weekly. This will give me the alternating weeks to do try ons from other retailers for you all! I hope this is something that you find of value!

So it’s been a while since I’ve ordered from Old Navy and almost every outfit was a HIT!! I’ve been on the hunt for cute summer tops and dresses and Old Navy did not disappoint!

Dress(size UP)|Sandal TTS


Sandals (fit TTS)

DRESS (TTS) | Sandals (fit TTS)

TANK | Sandals (fit TTS)| JEAN SHORTS (TTS)

DRESS (FIT TTS) | Sandals

Dress (size down)|Sandals

Dress (TTS)| Sandals

Sandals (fit TTS)


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