This time of year has me craving cooler temperatures. By the middle of September I want to move on to sweaters and away from shorts!! However, I find by mid morning, I’m changing out of my new fall outfit and back into my summer clothes. So layering this time of year is key.
The first look is an office look, but these sweaters pair so good with jeans as well. This is one of the best sweaters that I own. Seriously, if I’m just having an off day, this sweater always makes me feel good. It’s flattering on all body types and is a crossover of a sweater and a poncho so it has a nice flow to it without being too oversized.

I was diagnosed with dry eye, so these blue light glasses have been a life saver for me on the days that I’m sitting in front of my computer all day! They have been especially helpful with headaches and tired eyes. I can tell by the end of the day if I haven’t worn them because I’m blinking more and I start to feel a stress headache coming on.

As always, thanks for following along and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or comments! Have a great week!